南沙雨洪公园设计/Resilient Design of Stormwater Systems

南沙区具有典型的亚热带海洋性季风气候特征, 由于热带天气系统的 影响,降雨以大强度台风雨为主,易受外海潮位顶托形成内涝。在承泄区高水情况下部大量洪不能及时下泄,常引发严重的洪涝灾害。

在此背景下,城市公园作为雨洪调蓄的重要共空间基于对国内外管理措施领 域相关模式的整理、研究和总结,归纳出公园景观设计过程中融入雨洪系统管方法促进 城市的可持续发展,提高雨洪系统 在应对海平面上升时的弹性 。本设计通过土地置换,重塑场高差加强的自然排蓄能力 。目标是在地势较高处增加建 筑密度,低处减少建释放洼地区以提供空间支持洪水管理战略。同时开展沿海生态系统保护,开展野生动物和海洋栖息地恢复增强绿空间弹性修破损湿以及红树林增强海岸韧性, 最终以一种更加综合多样的形式应对洪涝灾害。

Nansha area has the typical characteristics of subtropical maritime monsoon climate. Due to the influence of tropical weather system, the rainfall is mainly dominated by heavy typhoon rain, which is prone to waterlogging caused by the tide crest of the offshore sea. Under the condition of high water level roof support in the bearing and drainage area, a large amount of internal flood water cannot be discharged in time, which often leads to serious flood disaster.
Under this background, the city park as an important urban public space of urban rain flood regulation, based on the rain flood management measures at home and abroad related patterns in the field of finishing, research and summarize, generalize the park landscape design process into the rain flood design method of system management, promote the sustainable development of city, improve the rain flood control system in the event of a rise in sea level of flexibility.

Through land replacement, the design remolded the height difference of the site to strengthen the natural storage capacity of the site. The objective is to increase building density at higher levels and reduce it at lower levels, freeing up low-lying areas to provide space to support flood management strategies. Coastal ecosystem protection, wildlife and Marine habitat restoration, green space resilience, damaged wetlands and mangroves restoration, coastal resilience, and ultimately a more comprehensive and diverse response to flooding.

设计年份/Year: 2021
指导老师/Instructor:Chongxian Chen