Guangzhou is facing the challenges of population aging while facilities are lack of care for the elderly, among which Yuexiu district is the most serious. It is urgent for the local government and landscape architects to consider how to upgrade the existing outdoor environment for healthy aging. A growing number of researches have shown that mood, built environments and walkability are closely associate with the mental and physical health of the elderly. The project responded to these problems through the perspective of mood effect, taking Yuexiu district for basic research. Based on the local conditions and the mental health needs of the elderly, the project proposed 4 types of strategies through field surveys and analysis, including 1) planning pedestrian routes, 2) using colors that can reduce fatigue, 3) planting plants that can reduce fatigue, 4) setting Age-friendly paving. The project also selects a typical neighborhood as a design sample. Tt provides practical ideas for more communities to cope with the population health problems brought by the aging trend, having positive social, academic and practical values.

设计年份/Year: 2019-2020
指导老师/Lead Designer:Chongxian Chen
成员/Team:Haiwei Li