Huicheng Zhong is a founding partner of Lab D+H, he received his Master of Landscape Architecture with honors at Cornell University and Master of Urban Planning with honors at Beijing Forestry University. Prior to founding Lab D+H, he worked at SWA Los Angeles, where he designed and managed numerous projects in various scales. Currently he is leading Lab D+H Shenzhen studio with diverse design practice, research and pro-bono projects.
11月28日晚,Lab D+H的联合创始人钟惠城先生受陈崇贤邀请来华农为风景园林专业学生举行讲座,钟惠城毕业于康奈尔大学景观设计硕士,北京林业大学城市规划硕士。在成立Lab D+H之前,惠城在SWA洛杉矶事务所工作,设计并负责各种尺度的项目。目前,惠城带领着Lab D+H深圳工作室,从事着多元领域的设计实践、研究以及公益项目。

Lab D+H is a small landscape architectural design practice founded in 2014. Despite being relatively new, Lab D+H is currently delivering a strong and diverse performance internationally. It has planned, designed, and constructed projects that significantly influenced this field, with international awards. Most prominently, its work is featured for its careful consideration of social issues, especially in China.
Lab D+H是成立于2014年的小型景观设计事务所。尽管是一支相对较年轻的团队,Lab D+H仍然在当前的国际舞台上有着相当强势和多样化的表现,经过其规划、设计并建造的作品深刻影响了景观设计领域,并获得了诸多国际奖项。最为关键的是,其作品的重要特征是表现出了对社会问题的关注思考,尤其是对中国社会问题的思考。


